Posts Tagged ‘list of doctors’

Taking Advantage of Health Insurance Best Plans

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

With medical expenses touching an all-time high, it is next to impossible for the common man to afford healthcare on his own. So, if you do not have health insurance, you can find yourself in a serious situation even if you are suffering from a common cold. Getting one of the health insurance best plans, not only lifts stress off your shoulders it also allows you to live without fear of falling ill.

When planning to get insured, picking from the health insurance best plans can be tricky for you. There are two types of plans; indemnity or managed care.

Indemnity Plans

In indemnity plans you get more flexibility and freedom. You can pick your own doctor, medical institute and medicine related things. However, you have to pay more. If the service you are seeking is mentioned in the contract, the insurance will pay for it but not completely. You need to share about 20% of the total charges with the company.

The indemnity plans is one of the best health insurance, however, it has some drawbacks as well. They will only pay for serious illness and accidents. If you need medicine on prescription or therapy, you will have to look for other means to pay.

Managed care

Managed care plan is the complete opposite of indemnity plans. In their own right, both qualify as health insurance best plans. In managed care, things which are usually not covered by indemnity plans are taken care of, such as preventive medicine like contraceptives, vaccines and also mental therapy. However, only managed care has limited options as you can select from a small list of doctors or hospitals which have an insurance contract with your agency.

Due to less freedom in terms of medical institutes provided by managed care, these health insurance options remain the less prevalent form among the two health insurance best plans.

The choice is yours to make if you have to get health insurance on your own. If however, you are offered health insurance through your job, you do not have much option. How will you choose which plan is best for you in that case? It is difficult to say. While every insurance plan is different, most cover for basic health needs like a visit to the doctor, health illnesses and accidents. Other things like prescriptive drugs and therapy may or may not be covered according to different plans.

What you can do to make choices easier is list the different medical services you and your family usually use and see which plan covers them the best.


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