Posts Tagged ‘layoff’

Modification of Mortgage: Three Things You Need to Know

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Many people are debating whether a modification of mortgage terms is right for them. For some people, it is the only option, and is an option that can truly help them to avoid foreclosure. For other people, modifying loan terms can actually have some negative financial effects on you for the long-term. It can be difficult to determine of a modification of mortgage terms is right for you, and as you go about making this decision, there are three things that you really need to know:

You Have to Ask. Some people think that when they are struggling with their payments, their bank will offer to adjust loan terms. In actuality, in most cases, the homeowner has to make the request to modify loan terms. Generally, when a bank is faced with either having to foreclose on your home or modifying terms, they will work with you on adjusting the terms in a manner that is agreeable with both your budget and the bank. However, before this can happen, you have to take the first step and start the process on your own.

Anyone Can Apply. Many people do believe that you have to be behind on your payments to apply for adjustments to your terms, but this isn’t the case at all. If you have had financial changes in your life, such as a reduction in salary, a layoff, an increase in credit card interest rates and payments, or other such circumstances that have thrown your budget out of whack, you can absolutely take a pre-emptive step and request an adjustment to your terms. You do not have to wait until you are behind on your payments and you are receiving collection calls.

You May Lose Money. There are essentially two factors to consider when weighing the pros and cons of modification of mortgage terms. You will want to consider the short-term benefit to your monthly expenses, and often reducing your payment is just what you need to make ends meet. You will also want to consider the long-term effects of adjusting loan terms. Many times, this will have you paying more in interest over the long-term, and so if you don’t have to adjust loan terms, you may want to think again. When many people see that adjusting loan terms may result in thousands of dollars of increased interest paid over the life of the loan, they often will try to trim other areas of their expenses first

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About the Author

Donna Perkins is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a guide to the modification of mortgage. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product including discounts and best prices at this blog: