Posts Tagged ‘daily basis’

Don't Be Like a Boiling Frog When Dealing With Debt-Leap Into Action Before It's Too Late

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

It is a proven fact that if a frog is placed into cold water and heat is applied at a steady pace until boiling, a frog will remain in the water throughout until it eventually dies. However if a frog is submerged straight into boiling water it will immediately jump out and thus be saved.

This sadly can be applied to many of our everyday lives especially when we are facing debt issues. Like the frog facing a slow death, many of us often know that out debt is escalating out of control but we choose to bury our heads in the sand until it is too late. However when we are eventually faced with the reality i.e. losing our homes and all that we have, then like the frog  in boiling water , we will then choose to take drastic action and jump into action.

There are many routes that can be taken to try to get out of debt .However whichever  of these ways you choose, you will need to evaluate your life and change what you are doing as evidently whatever you are currently doing is not working for you. Failure to do so will result in financial suicide and terminal poverty.

The first evaluation needed is to take a look at what is being spent on a daily basis to establish whether any cutbacks can be made to save money. It is surprising how much money can be saved even by ensuring that we only purchase items on our shopping lists and by trying supermarket own brands.

Money can also be saved by other simple measures such as monitoring the electricity and gas that we use or by only having one line on a lottery ticket rather than several.

It is useful to also check whether any credit cards can be transferred to new zero interest ones.

All the above measures can help to reduce our overheads and debt.  

The important thing to remember is that anyone is capable of doing anything they set their minds to. We merely need to adopt a positive mindset and make changes to our lives in order to start reducing our debt.

Another means of reducing debt is by looking for ways to create extra funds.  One way to achieve this is by setting up your own business. There are many different opportunities available that can be started from home. This is particularly advantageous as there are very little start up costs and overheads.

 All you need is self belief, finding the right opportunity and often a small investment that will lead to greater things in the future. Your business can be literally a small commute from your bedroom to your study. There is no dress code and you could merely turn up for work in a pair of slippers and shorts.

Many people don’t start their own business as they feel that they do not have sufficient funds. However many business opportunities
actually have low start up costs.  It is surprising that if we were to again review our weekly costs and not only reduce on essentials but also on hobbies and non essentials, how the small amount of money required for set up costs could be achieved. As the saying goes “where there’s a will there’s a way”. Often something of a lesser value traded now could be rewarded for something of a greater value later.

 However if you consider taking advantage of any of the  business opportunities available, it is crucial to thoroughly research the business  to ensure that it is a genuine opportunity and not a scam.

Finding a genuine business opportunity that is right for you can be life changing and be a big step in the process of eliminating your debt.

Whichever way you choose to reduce your debt be sure to act before the debt escalates out of control. Do not wait until it is too late… Do not be a boiling frog!

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About the Author

My name is Roy Derrick and I live in South Wales with my wife and four children. I began my working career as a gas engineer but soon realised that I wanted to start my own business and reap any rewards for myself. I opened three retail shops and a food manufacturing company and won several national awards for best retailer including an all expenses trip to New York paid for by Richard Branson. This whet my appetite to want to become an entrepreneur.

I sold my retail outlets in 2002 and started up my own construction and development company which has established itself into a successful business.  As well as running the construction business I also run a successful internet marketing company and also coach others on how to succeed in business.

 When I’m not working I enjoy socialising with friends and family and adrenaline filled activities like paintballing and racing fast cars.

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The easiness of getting payday loans

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

The economical crisis has taken its toll on all of us and when it comes to the job market, there are fewer and fewer on a daily basis and what this means is that there are many people that don’t have a place to work for and they don’t really cope that well with the monthly expenses, yet if you are someone that is part of this scenario, you will never have to be that worried, for there are many ways through which you will be able to cope with the situation.

When it comes to payday loans online, they are all that you need especially when you find yourself in desperate situations. On many websites you will see a lot of lenders can help you out, yet when it comes to them, you will need to be very much informed about them.

After you will have found one that you think it is very good for you, then you will need to make sure that you will ask them for a form and then fill it in. After you will have it sent back to them, the money you need will be transferred to your account. The condition to getting one such loan is to be at least 18 and have a job.

In regards to online payday loans, you will in most cases not able to lend more than $500. The money also needs to be paid back in just a few weeks and that is also another disadvantage to this type of loan. Interest rate might also be something to be a deal breaker for some people, as it is 25%.

The bad credit you might have is really not that important here, for you will certainly be able to get the money you need in no time, if you will only have a job and be 18 years old. For those people out there that are most of the times finding themselves in the trouble of not having enough money to spend for ht monthly bills, this is an option they should check out.

When your next paycheck will come, you should know that the money you will get to own to the lending company will be transferred from your bank account to theirs. If you want a fast way of getting money and you will like to be sure that you will get it fast, the payday loans are your best bet.

Are you interested and want to know more about payday loans online? If so, please visit us here.

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About the Author

Richard is a full time internet marketer, with more than 6 years of experience in giving advice to thousands of customers on choosing the best products online