Investment in shares: pros and cons

April 24th, 2011

Why invest in shares? Are shares profitable? If so, how profitable are they? Can they act as a hedge against inflation? Is it safe to invest in shares? Isn’t investment in shares akin to horse racing and gambling? What is the nature and extent of risk involved in such investments? How do shares compare with other forms of investment like fixed deposits in banks, company deposits, provident funds, gold, jewellery, and real estate?

Profits from shares: Profits from shares come in two forms–capital appreciation and dividends. Capital appreciation takes place when a share is sold at a price higher than its purchase price. Dividend is the amount that a company distributes every year to its shareholders out of the profits earned by it. Dividends are usually expressed as a percentage of the face value of the share, or in rupees per share.

The difference between capital appreciation and dividends is best illustrated in the following example. Suppose A purchases 100 shares (face value of Rs. 10 each) of XYZ company at a price of Rs. 12 per share. His total investment would be Rs. 1,200. If he then sells these shares after a period of one year at Rs. 18 per share, he would realise a sum of Rs. 1,800. A thus gets a profit of Rs. 600 on his original investment of Rs. 1,200. Rs. 600 represents the profit earned by A through capital appreciation. Capital appreciation can also be expressed in the form of a percentage. In this case A gets a capital appreciation of 50% (Rs. 600/Rs. 1,200)X 100. Further, suppose that in the course of this one year XYZ Company declares a dividend of 15% or Rs. 1.50 per share, A, with a shareholding of 100 shares would get a total dividend of Rs. 150 (1.50×100). Therefore, the total profit earned by A on his investment of Rs. 1,200 would be Rs. 750–a capital appreciation of Rs. 600 plus a dividend of Rs. 150.

How profitable are shares

How much money can one make out of investments in shares? To answer this question let us take a look at some concrete facts.

The year 31st March, 1980 to 31st March, 1981 was a relatively good year for the Indian stock markets. The shares of 83 companies, out of a total of 655 quoted on the Bombay Stock Exchange, recorded an appreciation of more than 100% in their prices during the course of the year. The shares of 25 companies appreciated by more than 200% and 10 companies by more than 300%. The shares of Saroj Alloys rose by 867.7% and those of Indian Bright Steel by 700%. These figures are no doubt very impressive, but they are not really unknown or extraordinary by stock market standards. In 1985, the Bombay stock markets performed even better with 157 companies, recording an appreciation of more than 100% in the course of the year. The shares of 32 companies rose by more than 200%, 14 companies by more than 300% and 5 companies by more than 400%. The list is headed by Bombay Silk Mills whose shares recorded a phenomenal price rise of 1.260% followed by Blue Blends whose shares rose by 900%.

The above figures are not truly representative as both 1985 and 1980-81 were boom years for the Indian stock markets. However, they help to give an idea of the kind of money that one can expect to make from shares under favourable conditions and within a relatively short span of one year. But the average investor’s main interest is in knowing how much money he can expect to make in the long run under normal conditions. For this purpose let us take a representative sample of 8 well known companies and assess their performance over the fifteen-year period from 1971 to 1986. This period is long enough to cover both favourable and unfavourable conditions, cyclical flluctuations in share prices, and the other periodic ups and downs of the stock markets. The period 1971-1986 can be taken as truly representative since it covers the aftermath of the Indo-Pakistan War, the Companies (Temporary Restriction on Dividends) Act 1974, the steep hike in the price of petroleum products by OPEC in the early 1970s and the equally sharp fall in their prices witnessed during 1985 and early 1986, prolonged periods of labour unrest, political uncertainty, disturbed law and order conditions over large parts of the country, droughts, floods, good monsoons, enforcement of FERA provisions on dilution of foreign holdings in the mid-1970s, the recent liberalisation of FERA, MRTP and the Industrial licencing laws, lowering of corporate and personal tax rates, switch in laws, lowering of corporate and personal tax rates, switch in emphasis from the public sector to the private sector, and periods of high inflation interspersed with those of relative price stability.


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Custom Notifications,Indian Custom Notification,CBEC Notifications

April 24th, 2011

Indian Custom notifications majorly indicate the Indian Custom duty which is a big source of India’s revenue

Indian government update custom notifications from time to time and these notifications are very much helpful for importers and exporters in India. Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) is an apex Government body which releases these custom notifications. Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) is a part of the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. CBEC is also responsible for prevention of smuggling into our country and  administrative matters pertaining to customs, central excise, Service tax and also narcotics to some extent .Custom duties are levied on the goods and at the rates specified in the schedules to the Custom Tariff Act, 1975.

Custom notifications are different for different merchandise and are based on coordinated duty schedule which defines the duty to be levied on particular goods as a fraction of its assessed value. The custom officer after physically investigating the goods assesses the value of the goods and then ascertains the custom duty applicable on those goods according to the customs tariff heading.

CBEC, RBI, circulars, public notice, Service tax and central excise are all the part of custom notifications which is declared by central board of excise and customs.

CBEC frequently changes rules and taxes on various types of goods. Custom Notifications for different products are customized from time to time according to the need of the industry and economy. Importers and exporters need to update themselves regularly through various sources. Every merchant would like to keep himself updated with the latest notifications released by CBEC pertaining to his business but they do not have sufficient resources to get this valuable data. Traders can however take help of various valuable sites which have latest information on CBEC. These sites can serve as a very useful resource for most updated information on custom notifications, CBEC Notifications, Indian custom notifications, Central excise and service tax.


There are several global network portals helping the people involved in foreign trade for a long time now. Any merchant who is dealing in import export can check the most recent data about Indian Custom Notifications, custom duty, Circulars, Public Notices, CBEC, RBI, CBEC Notification, Tariff, Non-Tariff Notifications, Central Excise etc on these sites.

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About the Author is leading online web portal serving the Exim community for a long time now. It’s a sister concern of You can check the most modernized Indian Custom notifications 2011, Custom Notifications , Indian Customs, Circulars, CBEC Notification, RBI, Central excise notifications, Service tax Notifications, etc on absolutely free of cost

Auto Wealth Maker-The Road To Riches

April 24th, 2011

Auto Wealth Maker-The Road To Riches

I have been in this industry for a long time now and to be quite honest with you, I have never seen any thing like the method that I am about to show you.

But first let me ask you this- are you just sick and tired of been broke?

Do you live from paycheck to paycheck and seems like you are always falling short?

How many times do you wish that you can finish your mortgage and start enjoying your money?

If any of the above applies to you or any one you know then I have to assure you that you are at the right palace. And for those who are reading this article out of curiosity, remember this you can never have enough money,Look at Donald Trump and you will understand, its not about greed, its about having more money that your neighbor.

You see not long ago I was stuck in a situation that i did not know how i am going to get myself out of, I was broke homeless and divorced, it was up until a friend introduced me to auto wealth maker that i knew that all my prayers have been answered. Never have I once doubted the methods stipulated in the guide, trust me doubt is what is going to leave you broke so take action today and live the life you always wanted.

Auto Wealth Maker is a true road to riches for anyone looking to make a lot of money with Little input, its a true set up and forget system. Though Auto wealth Maker is not a money magic wand it does however work, actually just last month I made close to 5 figures by just following what is on the guide to the latter. So if you can follow the same steps and methods on the guide I really don’t see why you shouldn’t making more money than me.

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I just have to ask; what are you going to do with your new found wealth?

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About the Author

Making money online has never been easy thanks to auto wealth maker, the money making machine.This is one program that you don’t want to live without.

Ultimate Cash Blueprint-Instant Cash

April 24th, 2011

Ultimate Cash Blueprint-instant Cash

Making money has become so easy in such a way that anyone who set their mind to it can make a lot of money. But the only problem is that they are so many scams out there in such a way that it will difficult for you to separate the real money method from a scam.

Throughout the years I have suffered very much and had even lost a considerable amount of money to the scammers who promised me money, but at the end of the day I was left broke and unhappy. You they was no one to show me how and where to go,  was on my own with no one to show me where and how to do it.

But fear not as this is the exact road I don’t want you to take, I want to show you one of the easiest way in which you can make money online with little input from your part. Yes you guessed it right, you will make money on auto pilot.

I want to introduce you to the latest way to make money online in a very easy way, Ultimate Cash Blueprint. Ultimate Cash Blueprint is one of the best way in which anyone can make money online by following the methods in the guide to the latter. So many successful internet marketer has become rich and famous mainly to the fact they have Ultimate Cash Blueprint at their disposal.

How Ultimate Cash Blueprint works is that every thing you need is outlawed in the guide in a simple yet effective manner. From the development of sites to even back links you will have enough knowledge for you to implement on other methods.

Though Ultimate Cash Blueprint is not a money magic wand, it does however keep its promise about making you money. I for one has come to appreciate the benefit of having such wonderful method, in fact just last month I made close to 5 figures by just using the methods and steps mentioned on the guide.

This program is both new and experienced internet marketers. For newbies it will show every thing you need to learn about making money in this industry. It has even a useful guide that you can implement on other methods that may cover the same concept or are related to internet marketing.

If you feel that this is one of the programs you need then  why not check ultimate cash blueprint here

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About the Author

Making money has never been easy thanks thanks to the latest and most powerful way to make money, ultimate cash blueprint.