Local Mobile Monopoly Review – A Customer's Opinion on a Very Hot Product

If you’ve heard about Local Mobile Monopoly and want more information on what all the buzz about and if it really is as good as you hear then you’re in luck because I’m going to give you a thorough Local Mobile Monopoly review. In this review I’m going to talk about the resources required to start, how much work it is actually going to take to start seeing money, and finally talk about the testimonials of current customers. After reading through this you will be able to make an informed decision on whether or not to jump onto the Local Mobile Monopoly train so lets get started!

First, talking about what is required was actually quite astonishing to me when I downloaded the product for the first time. Literally all that is required is your cell phone, but if you don’t want to use even that then there’s software that comes with the product that you can use to send the text messages out for you. To start making money, all you have to do is start texting people in your area about a restaurant, bookstore, or even small cafe. You text, they come, and you earn money basically to sum it up fairly quickly. Hey if it worked for me who is completely marketing illiterate and can hardly work my own cell phone then I can almost guarantee it will work for you.

Now, talking about work the whole process is really simple to go through and won’t take up more than an hour of your time each day. I’ve seen other users claim thousands of dollars a month, but they’re probably working a lot. I’m only working one hour a day and making a few hundred each week, which in my books is absolutely insane. There’s no writing, videos, or selling involved and the best part is that this really can’t get saturated because it’s local to your area and there are thousands of businesses everywhere. Bottom line, it’s not a lot of work, but always remember the more you put into it the more you will get out of it.

Finally, I’ve seen hundreds of people make claims about their earnings and to me it sounds quite ridiculous. I’m not sure if one person can be making $30k a month doing this, but I realisticly make around $500 a week and most of it is set and forget. I find new businesses to promote and send out mass text messages at the end of the week. It surprisingly is that easy so if you want to take a chunk of the cash that these people are claiming by working this system then you should definitely try it.

So in this Local Mobile Monopoly review I have gone over what is required for you to get started, how much work is really involved to start seeing money, and finally about the claims people make about their earnings. I can’t vouche for theirs, but mine are 100% realistic. You should now be able to make an informed decision on whether or not you want to buy Local Mobile Monopoly so check it out here!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/wealth-building-articles/local-mobile-monopoly-review-a-customers-opinion-on-a-very-hot-product-4644290.html

About the Author

I’m an enthusiast in many fields and enjoy writing reviews about products so others can either learn or benefit from my knowledge. I hope my articles help you out in some small way.

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